Thursday, June 01, 2006

show me yours...

ever since seeing "door knock dinners" on food tv once about 10 years ago, i have always been completely paranoid about what's in my fridge. it was the episode where they brought the iron chefs in to some poor sod's house and the iron chefs were totally snide about the lack of fresh food that americans have in their refrigerators. i'm not paranoid enough to actually keep my fridge nicely stocked, mind you. but, sometimes, when i get back from shopping, i usually think to myself, "oh, i wouldn't be embarassed if the iron chefs showed up today." so, when i read that sweetnicks is hosting her innaugural "i'll show you mine, if you show me yours" event, i couldn't resist. so, here it is, the snap of my fridge:


The three things always in there are dog food, leftovers and beer. one thing that would never be in there: beets.


wheresmymind said...

That is a pretty full fridge!!

maltese parakeet said...

the fridge is actually kind of small, so it always looks stuffed. the freezer is miniscule.

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Well it pays to have such a well stocked fridge. Thanks for the snax and wine on Wednesday.