Tuesday, March 13, 2007


now, mooncrazy can tell you about my lifelong distaste for beets. that was before i tasted real beets, not beets from a can. beets from a can taste like pickled dirt. real beets taste sweet and earthy. i am almost ready to pronounce myself a convert.

i got a fabulous collection of beets in my most recent crop share. i love the white and pink striped ones. it was such a surprise when i peeled them and saw that they were white on the outside, then when i cut them in half, i gasped out loud - they look like candy canes!


seriously, aren't they gorgeous?


anyway, i roast them in the convection oven with olive oil and salt. the end product isn't that pretty, so no photo.

anyone know what variety of beets the stripey ones are? [i'm betting kalyn knows!]

beets are an excellent source of vitamin c, which makes them a perfect food for sweetnicks' arf/5-a-day tuesday. check out what other anti-oxidant rich foods are on display over at sweetnicks' site.


Ilva said...

Yes, they are really beautiful! I want stripey one too!

barb said...

those are beautiful - wait till your ma reads this. I bet they were sweet tasting.

Deborah Eley De Bono said...

I have to admit the reason you hated beets is I never cooked "real" ones until you were long gone from the homestead. I accept the guilt especially since you've tried them on your own.

I do believe they are called "candy cane" beets and I've only found them at farmer's markets. They are wonderfully sweet just boiled but even sweeter when roasted. Just don't forget that Beeturia effect.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm not a regular, but followed an interesting link, found another interesting link, followed it, etc and found your plave here. Love your blog! I usually just lurk, but it happens that I know the answer to your question: the stripey beets are chiogga/chioggia variety, an italian import. I find them lovely roasted and topped with raw fennel and orange juice that have sat together for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

I love beets! My kids would die before eating a beet...more for me. : )

Freya said...

Very pretty! I suppose when cooked they short of went a dull pinky colour? A bit like the blue potatoes - all pants and no action!

maltese parakeet said...

ravara - thanks for de-lurking! glad you like the blog and thanks for putting a name to these beets - chioggia - so fun to say! and the recipe sounds great, too. i love fennel and orange combo. what a fabulous summer salad!

freya - actually, they still looked kinda stripey, but not as bright. and thank you for "all pants and no action" - it's my new favorite phrase!

Cate said...

Never seen the striped ones before - very pretty!