Mooncrazy: Doodles and I recently returned home from a trip to Indiana. Because we are such foodies we thought someone might enjoy hearing of our travels and eating adventures.
Because both contracted the "garfalitus" in Indiana we've not felt well enough to post but the miracle of modern chemistry has released me, at least, from the dreaded disease.
Doodles: So I must refer to my journal because I am, as I type, in a drug induced coma due to strep throat and a silly little sinus infection. And I am ashamed to admit we did not take one beauty shot of the food we did enjoy.........drats.
Anyway can I just say I have had my fill of Hall's Restaurants. Please don't think I am complaining about them we just ate there a lot while we were in Ft. Wayne. And they are allowed to smoke in their establishments, which nearly killed me, and I think Moon as well.
Mooncrazy: Don Hall's is a Ft Wayne, Indiana local dynasty with twelve restaurants. If you are in Ft Wayne you can't escape Hall's. The food is typical and because we had some family obligations, it served the purpose because every family member, save Doodles and myself, smoke and they allow smoking in every Halls. I'm from California and there are places here where you can't even smoke outside so smoking between courses, for the love of god, why?
Second hand smokeDoodles: awww Moon I agree!!! There are some restaurants here in Florida you can't even smoke outside in the patio dinning area. Thank you very much. And to allow employees to smoke at the entrance of their employers just boggles my mind. So sorry for the interruption, this is a food blog after all, continue sister moon.
Mooncrazy: The food in Indiana was somewhat disappointing but we did find an occasional stellar moment. One of our favorites was a place called Tumbleweeds, Seymour IN and although a chain, had a decent lunch menu. We shared a grilled chicken sandwich which was surprisingly spicy but the highlight was "Texas Toothpicks."
Doodles: I am on a mission to find the recipe for Texas Toothpicks..........I can taste them now, they are yummy. Once I get to feeling human again I am going to duplicate that food item. Stay tuna'd I'll post the results.
Mooncrazy: The recipe should be easy, just slivers of onions and jalapeños deep fried in a light tempura batter with a chipotle mayo for dipping. I'm thinking rice flour might be involved.
Doodles: Ya know moon, mentioning the fact that Indiana food tasting was somewhat disappointing is an understatement, should I hire an attorney now?
When we arrived in Indianapolis, we found a hotel suite type place on the northwest side of the city. We collected several of the obligatory tourist handouts from the lobby and took them back to our room to peruse. We decided a trip the next day to the White River State Park in downtown Indianapolis would be the perfect place to start because there is a plethora of things to do and see. One was the
Eiteljorg Museum. Native American and Western Art on display for your viewing pleasure, and what a pleasure it was.
Mooncrazy: Great museum that included new art with old artifacts. Wonderful way to display the collection.
Doodles: But this is a food blog and of course we had to try the museum cafe for lunch. When Moon and I discovered they were serving posole, we beat feet. Moon, of all things for them to serve; it seemed like it was made just for us.
Mooncrazy: Yes, we are known far and wide for
our love of posole. I was impressed that it was on the menu and when served it was actually pretty good. It did have a little too much meat and too little spice for me but it did give you the idea of New Mexico. What did you think of the dish, Doodles?
Doodles: I am in complete agreement moon, but remember who was making it and eating it as well. Most folks in that area keep spices low on the totem pole. It concerned me somewhat that we had to ask what the green stuff (cilantro) was in the cornbread. Not the flavor that would pass as cilantro.
Mooncrazy: I find that cilantro is a very fragile flavor. I used it like parsley on pasta tonight and it didn't have the effect I thought it would.
Ok, this post has gotten too long. We'll have to serialize it so, as Doodles says, Stay tuna'd!