Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Little Bird

Sunday we threw a birthday party for Lorna and this was the aftermath of the appetizers, fried onions, grilled sausages, and peel and eat shrimp with a remolade sauce. The onions were an attempt at the Texas Toothpicks we had in Indiana. Quite easy, I took a recipe from Napa Style and did a few modifications.

3 onions sliced into slivers
6 jalapeño peppers seeded and sliced into slivers
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup aborio rice flour
2 cups flour
ground pepper
Just soak the onions and peppers in the buttermilk then dredge with flour. Drop in small batches into hot oil and cook until lightly brown. Salt while hot and serve with a chipotle mayo for a dipping sauce.

Now sister Weed added some chilpotle flakes to the spice grinder while grinding the rice into flour. This sounded good, too. I believe this will be a bbq staple for me this summer.

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