Sunday, November 21, 2010

Relish, no can

Gotta post this great recipe for the quintessential Thanksgiving accompaniment, cranberry relish. Funny thing, I never eat it. Not because I don't like cranberries, love them and their juice. Can't say exactly but it might be growing up that jellied-from-the-can stuff was always on our table.

Because I can't shamelessly post this as my own creation I'll give credit to Pioneer Woman. Her recipes always seem to need a little adjustment and this one took less than most. Here is our version.

1 twelve oz. bag of fresh cranberries
1 sixteen oz bottle of POM, pomegranate juice
3/4 cup of sugar

If you like a looser sauce add all the juice. If you like a firmer sauce take out about a quarter cup but don't toss it, drink it; it's really good. Sugar, too, give it a taste and add more but we like ours on the tart side.

Combine all into a large sauce pan and bring to a slow boil--medium low hear-- lid off. Cook for at least twenty minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. All those wonderful little berries need to pop and the juice reduce a bit. Cool and refrigerate. I think it tastes better the next day but hey, if don't it will be ok. It will thicken a bit more when it cools.

See I told you it was easy.

1 comment:

barb said...

Once again I will vouch for this taste and easy to make.